Research & innovations

of our training institute

Of course, there are countless studies, countless research results on the subject of

Function of the stomatognathic system

Our concept is to summarize many of the research results and form them into a self-contained treatment concept. Free and targeted according to the motto

“What should I do now?”

and thus geared towards our practice activities.

Our concept is primarily biomechanically oriented, because the stomatognathic system is a biomechanical system, and the “finest” one at that.

This begins with the occlusion – static and dynamic – and the determination of the relationship through to the diagnosis of the temporomandibular joint and ends with the orthograde positioning of one of the most important joints in the human body by means of splint therapy.

The memobite process

We have had to learn that many of our activities in

“Function-oriented dentistry”

did not do justice to the precision of the object.

This begins with bite registration in habitual intercuspidation. We have subjected both the procedure and the registration material to thorough testing and developed new ones.

Always according to the motto: simple – risk-free – logical

As part of the Memobite procedure, we have succeeded in developing a simple measure, the Memobite plate, which enables the practitioner not to lose the bite during prosthetic work.

This and much more has been published in book form.

The occlusometry procedure

The idea that the

stomatognathic system

is a highly precise biological system has led us to the realization of principles in biology:

Hard tissue protects soft tissue

and thus to the realization that the soft tissues of the temporomandibular joint, disc etc. are protected by the occlusion!

The occlusion, however, could not yet be made measurable. The development of the occlusometry procedure, measurement of the static occlusion by means of a digital dial gauge on the articulator, simple – fast – informative, puts us in the pleasing position of no longer having to grind intraorally.

CMD diagnostics

Studies on computer-aided

“Measurement of the functional joint space”

on test subjects and patients provided us with the key to differentiating between joint health and joint disease.

Due to the small size of the joint space object, it seemed sensible to integrate the entire manual-clinical functional and structural analysis into a

computer-aided diagnosis

findings. Our “standard of findings” enables this implementation.

At the same time, visualized dysfunction phenomena now had to be named and explained and recorded using a single form.

All of this greatly expanded our understanding of this joint.

CMD therapy

It was already clear at the beginning of our research work:

If we were ever to know in which incorrect position the condyles are located,

we would need a way to position them orthograde.

Determining the so-called centric on the patient was all too often faulty – complicated – not documentable.

We soon developed a 3D positioner that enabled us to position the patient’s models using a computer analog.

without patient – without muscles – without relaxation

The experience that the patient immediately accepted the splint when the therapeutic position was on one of the patient’s movement tracks proved to be extremely beneficial for our positioning.

This made positioning very easy

  1. On the track
  2. Physiological joint space antero-caudal

Splint therapy – the biodynamic splint

In order to imitate the physiology, namely the occlusion, with a splint, basic knowledge of the patient’s occlusion was a prerequisite.

To design the splint, the dental technician requires

→ a physiological anterior guidance

→ also a canine guidance

→ Disclusion parameters

→ and above all:

→ 2 positions:

The habitual intercuspidation of the patient

and the new therapeutic position

Both are connected via a glide path for each impression.

So that the patient always and immediately closes in the therapeutic position!

And yet the splint must be easy and uncomplicated to fabricate.

All of these innovations are based on private research, considerations and the results of patient treatments.

Some of them are consistent with the research findings of other scientists, others are completely new, as our findings are often computer-aided.

But they are always efficiency-tested – on patients. All this has fascinated us over the years and led us to continue. Our innovations, as well as the results of scientific research, are included in the books and scripts that accompany the courses.

Our motto remains the same:

Everything must be simple – clear – logical and efficient

be efficient!

Yours, Gerd Christiansen

Get in touch

CMD COMPACT KG – Gerd Christiansen – Ingolstadt
Ludwigstrasse 27
85049 Ingolstadt

Telephone Institute for Seminars / Training: +49 841 129 47 17
Telephone for patients: +49 841 3 40 82
Telefax: +49 841 931 13 24
