The occlusometry procedure

the book

Gerd Christiansen
“The occlusometry procedure”

New publication fall 2019
Introductory price: 78,00 EUR
incl. VAT + shipping costs

This book is a plea for occlusion!

“Function and occlusion are not everything, but without them everything is nothing!” (Prof. Dr. Alexander Gutowski)

While there is a wealth of literature on the subject of “dynamic occlusion”, “static occlusion” has been treated rather neglected, at least in the context of prosthetics. Michael Polz, for example, writes: “A restoration that fits accurately in height is the basis of dynamic occlusion. If too much is ground in, all the work is ruined.”

The patient notices “too high” immediately. “Too low” only after months and years. This is then all too often the task of the functional therapist. In this volume, the author explicitly describes the connections between static occlusion and dysfunction. He introduces us to the nature of static occlusion in many case descriptions from practice, whereby he also lets the patients have their say: “I can’t cope with…”. He explains what “too high” and “too low” mean for patients and practitioners, how we can recognize both and, above all, how we can treat them. Occlusion is and remains a central topic in our profession:

→ in prosthetics, including CAD/CAM fabrication
→ in CMD therapy and also
→ in orthodontics!

His credo: Despite all the science, we need a simple and safe method to prevent, recognize and treat functional disorders.

This has now been achieved.

Get in touch

CMD COMPACT KG – Gerd Christiansen – Ingolstadt
Ludwigstrasse 27
85049 Ingolstadt

Telephone Institute for Seminars / Training: +49 841 129 47 17
Telephone for patients: +49 841 3 40 82
Telefax: +49 841 931 13 24
