The occlusometry procedure

Principles of static occlusion | Module O

“Never grind again”
Successful prosthetics – CMD therapy – Orthodontics

Course O

Duration: 1 day from 09.30 to approx. 17.30
Training points: 9
Venue: Ingolstadt
Cost contribution: 495 € plus VAT


Dentist Gerd Christiansen

Author of the books:
“Never lose your bite again”,
“Understanding the temporomandibular joint”
“CMD and the lost bite | A guide for sufferers and practitioners”

New publication fall 2019:
Reference book “The occlusometry procedure”

Course contents

„You only see what you know!“


A. Static occlusion as the key to success

  • Dimensions of static occlusion
    PDL sensors – HIKP constancy – Functional joint space
    We have to move in these dimensions!
    Grinding in was yesterday!

    Consequences of “loop-in therapy” for the system, case presentations
    Endo, paro → too high / bruxism, CMD → too low
    Intraoral situation vs. model analysis
    From bite registration to model analysis – the precision chain

B. The occlusometry of static occlusion

In practice, what do I have to do now?

Case presentations with hands on by the course participants

  1. „I can’t cope with my dentures.”
  2.  Model screening
    → Is there a risk of developing CMD?
    → Why is the patient bruxing?
  3.  Splint therapy
    → The splint does not work
    → One side is too high
    → The splint was great, but now the symptoms are returning
    → Splint check in the practice
  4. Occlusion check after orthodontics

In the laboratory

  1. Single-tooth replacement → How far must/may I etch the models?
  2. Erasing (lowering) models was yesterday
  3. Major restorations → The step-by-step procedure → From the Memobite plate to occlusometry
  4. The splint check after completion
    Splint o.k. – grinding in possible, or new?
  5. Grinding in with the dial gauge

Final discussion

Get in touch

CMD COMPACT KG – Gerd Christiansen – Ingolstadt
Ludwigstrasse 27
85049 Ingolstadt

Telephone Institute for Seminars / Training: +49 841 129 47 17
Telephone for patients: +49 841 3 40 82
Telefax: +49 841 931 13 24
